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Inspiration from Crackers
This Diwali when I was busy handling kids while they were lost in bursting crackers, suddenly a novel thought came into my mind. I just focused on the zest with which every cracker was busting and also some crackers which were fussss. Are we also like these? Some are full of energy and some are lethargic and pale and complaining. Some are bubbling with enthusiasm and some are full of excuses. Some are vibrant and some are full of negativity. As the quality of crackers depends upon the production process, ingredients used in them and the atmosphere they are exposed to, are we not the same? The quality of human being is based on the disciplined mindset, inner strength, focused and intense work-habits and environment in which they are growing.
The life of crackers is ephemeral. You lighten it and boom. Over! Not for us. We live a very competitively and comparatively long life with. What crackers can teach is: before death, they give the utmost sound, great light, and brilliant flashes and by this, they give us more joy before they die. That’s why when the crackers are finished, kids are found gloomy for their losses.
If a tiny sparkle gives the best of its quality in term of light and sound, are we more than these crackers? Should we not spread the light of joy and sound of love and care to humanity before we die?
Don’t you think, we can learn much from the crackers, in their lives, they provide great joy to kids. Can we also provide happiness, joy, vibrancy, and care to others in the same manner in our LONG life?
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