Common one word substitution II
ABATTOIR : A place where animals are slaughtered.
ACCOMPLICE : A partner in crime.
AESTHETE : A person with a highly developed sense of beauty.
AFFLUENT : Wealthy; having abundance of money.
AGORAPHOBIA : Unreasonable fear of open spaces.
ALLEVIATE : To lessen, make less severe.
ALTRUIST : One who does good work for others without thought of personal gain.
AMBIDEXTROUS : Able to use the left hand as well as the right.
AMBIGUOUS : A word or statement which can be interpreted intwo ways.
ANACHRONISM : That which appears to be in the wrong period.
ANGLOPHILE : An admirer of the English people, language, manners or way of life.
ANGLOPHOBE : One who dislikes the English and England.
ARMISTICE : An agreement to stop fighting in a war.
ARISTOCRACY : A government run by the rich and the elite people; a class of well-born people.
ARTISTE : Professional singer, dancer etc.
ATHEIST : A person who does not believe in the existence of God.
AUTOCRACY : A government where the power is concentrated in the hands of one person.
AUTOPSY : Medical examination of a dead body.
BANKRUPT : A person who cannot pay his debts.
BARBARIAN : An uncivilized person.
BARRICADE : Hastily erected barrier across a street.
BELLIGERENT : One who is engaged in fighting a battle or war.
BIBLIOGRAPHY : A list of writings on a subject.
BIBLIOPHILE : One who loves books.
BIOGRAPHY : The story of a person’s life.
BLASPHEMOUS : One who is irreverent towards God.
BREVITY : Briefness; shortness of time.
BREWERY : A place where beer is made.
BUREAUCRACY : A government run by civil servants.
CALLIGRAPHY : The art of beautiful hand writing.
CARDIOLOGIST : A doctor specializing in matters relating to the heart.
CATHOLICITY : Broad outlook, free from prejudice.
CELIBACY : The state of being unmarried.
CHARLATAN : One who deceives others by claiming to be an expert.
CIRCUMLOCUTION : A roundabout way of expression.
CLAUSTROPHOBIA : A morbid fear of confined spaces.
COAGULATE : Change from liquid into solid by chemical reaction.
COLLOQUIAL : Suitable for ordinary informal conversation.
COMBUSTIBLE : That which can catch fire and burn easily.
COMEDIAN : One who plays funny parts in plays or films.
COMMODITY : An article of trade or commerce.
COMPATRIOT : A person belonging to one’s own country.
COMPLEXION : The natural color and appear- acne of skin.
COMPULSORY : That which must be done.
CONDUCTOR : That which acts as a path for electricity, heat etc.
CONNOISSEUR : A person who is competent to pass critical judgement upon anything.
CONSCRIPT : A person who is compelled by law to serve in the armed forces.
CONSORTIUM : A combination of several businesses for a common purpose.
CONTAGIOUS : That which spreads easily, especially a disease.
CONTRETEMPS : An unlucky event, an unexpected set-back.
CONTROVERSIAL : That which causes debate or argument.
CONVENTION (2) : A formal assembly or conference of people of the same business to discuss practices.
CORRIGENDA : Something to be corrected in a printed book.
COUNTERFEIT : Copy something exactly in order to deceive.
COUP D’ÉTAT : Sudden overthrow of a government, especially by force.
CRUISE : A sea voyage for pleasure.
CYGNET : A young swan.
CYNIC : One who has little faith in human sincerity or honesty.
DEBACLE : A sudden complete failure.
DENOUEMENT : The last part of a play, book etc. where all the complications of the plot are solved.
DETERGENT : A cleaning agent, especially a synthetic substance.
DETERRENT : Something to discourage people from doing wrong.
DILETTANTE : An admirer of the fine arts.
DISARMAMENT : Reduction of weapons by governments.
DISINFORMATION : False information spread intentionally to spread propaganda.
DOMICILE : A place where one lives permanently.
DRAGNET : A system of connected actions and methods for catching criminals.
DRUDGERY : Hard, uninteresting work.
DUET : Song sung by two people together.
EBULLIENT : High-spirited, exuberant.
EFFEMINATE : A man who has the qualities of a woman.
ENCYCLOPAEDIA : A book giving information on all branches of knowledge.
ENTOMOLOGY : The scientific study of insects.
EPIC : A long narrative poem.
EPILOGUE : Concluding part of a literary work.
ERGONOMICS : The study of the efficiency of people in their working environment.
ERR : Make a mistake, do wrong.
ESTUARY : The wide mouth of a river.
EVOLUTION : Gradual development from simple life forms to complex ones.
EXCISE : Tax on goods produced and used in a country.
EXERTION : Making an effort; trying very hard to do something.
EXTEMPORE : A speech made without any previous thought or preparation.
EXTERMINATE : To put an end to something by killing.
EXTROVERT : A person who is active, lively and enjoys the company of others.
EXUBERANT : Lively, high-spirited.
FALLACY : A false idea or belief.
FARCE : A light-heated humorous play with silly action.
FASTIDIOUS : One who cannot be easily pleased.
FAVORITISM : The practice of giving favored treatment to certain people.
FEBRILE : Of or caused by fever.
FEMINIST : A supporter of the cause of women.
FIANCEE : A girl to whom a man is engaged to be married.
FISSION : Splitting of the nucleus of an atom.
FLOGGING : Severe beating with a whip.
FLUVIAL : Of, found in, or produced by rivers.
FOOLSCAP : A size of paper, also called ‘legal’ format.
FOREMAN : A skilled worker in charge of other workmen.
FOURTH ESTATE : Influential newspapers and journalists.
FRANCOPHONE : An admirer of the French people, language, manners or way of life.
FRANCOPHONE : One who dislikes the French and France.
FRATRICIDE : The murder of one’s brother.
FREIGHT : Goods carried by train, ship etc.
FUDDY-DUDDY : An elderly person who does not understand or approve of modern ideas.
FUMIGATE : To clear of disease, bacteria etc., by means of chemical smoke.
GARAGE : A building in which motorcars are parked.
GARRULOUS : One who talks too much about uninteresting things.
GASTRONOMY : The art and science of cooking and eating good food.
GENOCIDE : Elimination or killing of a whole race.
GERMANOPHILE : An admirer of the German people, language, manners or way of life.
GERMANOPHOBE : One who dislikes the Germans and Germany.
GERMICIDE : A medicine that kills germs.
GLACIER : A mass of ice moving very slowly down a mountain valley.
GLUT : A larger supply than necessary.
GRAFFITI : Rough drawing or writing on public walls.
GRAMINIVORE : An animal that eats grain.
GRATIS : Without payment, free of cost.
GUBERNATORIAL : Of a governor.
HALLUCINATION : Seeing something which is not actually present.
HAVEN : A place of calm and safety.
HEDONIST : One who lives for pleasure.
HERBIVORE : A plant-eating animal.
HISTRIONICS : Overreacting in a theatrical manner.
HOLOCAUST : Great destruction and the loss of many lives; the mass killing of Jews in World War II.
HOLSTER : A leather holder for a pistol.
HOMICIDE : The killing of one man by another man.
HOMONYM : A word which agrees with another in pronoun-cation and perhaps also inspelling but is different in meaning.
HONORARY : An office for which no salary is paid.
HOOLIGAN : A noisy rough person who causes trouble.
HORTICULTURE : The art of garden cultivation.
HUB : The central part of a wheel.
HYPERCRITICAL : Excessively critical.
HYPOCHONDRIAC : One who has exaggerated anxiety about his health.
HYPOCRITICAL : Pretense of virtue or goodness; saying one thing while thinking another.
HYPOTHESIS : Supposition made as basis for reasoning.
IDEALISM : Practice of forming and following ideals.
IDEOLOGY : Set of ideas at the basis of certain economic or political systems.
IDOLATRY : Worship of idols.
IGNORAMUS : A thoroughly ignorant person.
ILLEGAL : That which is contrary to law.
ILLEGIBLE : Handwriting which can not be read.
ILLITERATE : One who is unable to read or write.
IMMEMORIAL : Too old to be remembered, ancient beyond memory.
IMMINENT : About to happen.
IMMORTAL : That which never dies.
IMPASSABLE : That which cannot be passed through.
IMPLACABLE : Impossible to satisfy, change or make less angry.
IMPREGNABLE : That which cannot be attacked or taken by force.
INACCESSIBLE : That cannot be approached or reached.
INAUSPICIOUS : Not of good omen.
INCORPOREAL : Without a body.
INCREDIBLE : That cannot be believed.
INDEFATIGABLE : One who is incapable of being tired.
INDELIBLE : Incapable of being effaced or cancelled or obliterated.
INDIGENOUS : Belonging naturally to a place.
INDOPHILE : An admirer of the Indian people, its culture, manners or way of life.
INDOPHOBE : One who dislikes the Indians and India.
INEDIBLE : Something which cannot be eaten.
INEVITABLE : That which is bound to happen.
INEXPLICABLE : That which cannot be explained.
INFLAMMABLE : Capable of catching fire.
INFLATE : To fill with air or gas.
INGENIOUS : Very clever.
INIMITABLE : That which cannot be imitated.
INNATE : That which one is born with.
INNOCUOUS : That which is quite harmless.
INTANGIBLE : That cannot be mentally grasped.
INTELLIGENTSIA : The class of people who think independently.
INTOLERABLE : That which cannot be endured.
INTROSPECTION : Examination of one’s own mental processes.
INTUITION : Immediate apprehension by mind reasoning.
INVINCIBLE : That cannot be conquered or defeated.
INVULNERABLE : That which cannot be wounded.
IRREPARABLE : That which cannot be repaired.
IRREPROACHABLE : So good that no criticism canbe made.
JAYWALK : To cross streets on foot in a careless and dangerous way.
JOEY : A young kangaroo.
JUDICIOUS : Wise, sound in judgement.
KIMONO : A loose gown of silk as worn in Japan.
KNIGHTHOOD : The right to put ‘Sir’ in front of one’s name.
LACKEY : One who behaves like a servant by always obeying.
LAMINATE : To cover with thin sheets ofmetal or plastic.
LEGIBLE : Capable of being read clearly.
LEONINE : Of or like a lion.
LEXICOGRAPHER : One who compiles dictionaries.
LIBERTARIAN : One who believes that one should have freedom of expression.
LIMERICK : A humorous short poem with five lines.
LITERATI : People with knowledge of literature.
LOQUACIOUS : One who talks a lot.
LOWBROW : One who has no interest in literature, art etc.
LULLABY : A pleasant song sung to send children to sleep.
MACHETE : A knife with a broad heavy blade.
MAGNUM OPUS : A great work of art, particularly literary.
MALEDICTION : Evil, vicious speech.
MANUAL : A book giving information about how to work something.
MANUSCRIPT : Handwritten script of a book.
MARTINET : A strict disciplinarian.
MASCOT : Something chosen as a symbol to bring good luck.
MASOCHIST : One who enjoys pain or humiliation.
MEDIOCRE : One who is neither intelligent nor dull.
MEGALOMANIA : The belief that one is extremely important.
MELODIOUS : Sweet sounding.
MERCANTILE : Of trade and business.
METEOROLOGY : The scientific study of weather conditions.
METICULOUS : A person who is very careful about details.
MILITIA : Those trained as soldiers but not belonging to a regular army.
MISANTHROPE : One who hates mankind.
MISOGAMIST : One who hates marriage.
MISOGYNIST : One who hates women.
MONOMANIAC : One who keeps thinking of one particular thing only.
MONOTHEISM : The practice of worshiping only one god.
MULTINATIONAL : A company having branches in many countries.
MYCOLOGY : The scientific study of fungi.
NAUSEA : Strong feeling of wanting to vomit.
NAUTICAL : Of sailors, ships or sailing.
NEMESIS : Downfall that satisfies natural justice.
NEOLOGISM : A new word.
NEPOTISM : Undue favor shown by a person in power to his relatives.
NOTARY : A public official who makes written statements official.
NUMISMATIC : One who collects coins.
OBITUARY : Notice of a person’s death in a newspaper.
OBLIGATORY : That which is required to be done by law.
OBSOLETE : That which is out of use, or replaced by a newer model.
OMNIPOTENT : One who is all powerful.
OMNISCIENT : One who knows everything.
OMNIVOROUS : One who eats anything.
ONTOLOGY : Philosophy concerned with the nature of existence.
OPHTHALMOLOGIST : An eye-doctor.
OPTOMETRIST : A technician who measures your eyesight.
PACHYDERM : A thick-skinned animal, especially an elephant or rhinoceros.
PACIFIST : One who believes in the abolition of war.
PALEOGRAPHY : The study of ancient writing.
PALAEONTOLOGY : The study of fossils.
PANACEA : A remedy which can cure all diseases.
PARADOX : Contradictory statement.
PARASITE : One that lives on another.
PARIAH : One who is not accepted by society.
PATENT : Sole right to make and sell one’s own invention.
PAUNCH : A man’s fat stomach.
PEDANT : One who exhibits his book learning.
PENULTIMATE : Last but one.
PERQUISITE : Gain over and above one’s salary.
PETROLOGY : The scientific study of rocks.
PHILISTINE : Person of material outlook who is indifferent to culture.
PHILOLOGIST : One who is well versed in the science of languages.
PIGMENT : The natural coloring matter of plants and animals.
PLAINTIFF : One who bring a charge against someone in court.
PLATONIC : A very close, non-sexual friendship between two people.
PLEBEIAN : Of the lower social classes.
POLYANDRY : The practice of having more than one husband at the same time.
POLYGAMY : The practice of having more than one husband or wife at the same time.
POLYGLOT : One who speaks many languages.
POLYGRAPH : A lie-detector.
POSTHUMOUS : A child born after the death of its father.
POSTSCRIPT : A note added at the end of a letter, after the signature.
PRAGMATIST : One who uses common sense.
PRESCIENT : Able to foretell what will happen in the future.
PROFILE (1) : A side view of someone’s head.
PROPELLANT : An explosive for firing a bullet or a rocket.
PSEUDONYM : A pen-name assumed by a writer.
PULMONARY : Of or having an effect on the lungs.
QUIXOTIC : Trying to do the impossible, usually to help others, while putting oneself into danger.
RACONTEUR : One who is good at telling stories in an interesting way.
RAPPORT : A good relationship between two people.
RECEPTIVE : Capable of receiving new ideas.
RED TAPISM : Excessive use of official formalities which causes unnecessary delay.
REFLATION : A government policy of increasing the amount of money in circulation.
REINFORCE : Strengthen by additional men or material.
RENAISSANCE : A renewal of interest in art, literature etc.
REQUISITION : An official demand or request.
RETRIBUTION : A severe deserved punishment.
RINGLEADER : One who leads others to do wrong or make trouble.
RODENT : A small herbivore usually considered a pest..
RUSSOPHILE : An admirer of the Russian people, language, manners or way of life.
RUSSOPHOBE : One who dislikes the
Russians and Russia.
SABOTAGE : Wanton destruction especially of a factory, etc. b y dissatis- fied workers.
SACRILEGE : The violation or profaning of sacred things.
SANATORIUM : A place for invalids and convalescents.
SANCTIMONIOUS : Making a show of piety.
SCAFFOLD : A structure on which criminals used to be hanged.
SEPTIC : Person who doubts the truth of what he is told.
SCUBA : An instrument used for breathing when swimming under water.
SEDENTARY : Done while sitting down.
SEER : One who can see into the future.
SENSATIONALISM : The intentional producing of excitement or shock.
SEPTUAGENARIAN : One in his seventies.
SILHOUETTE : Black shadow-like picture on white background.
SIMULTANEOUSLY : Taking place or happening at the same time.
SINECURE : Any office with good salary but no work.
SINOPHILE : An admirer of the Chinese people, language, manners or way of life.
SINOPHOBE : One who dislikes the Chinese and China.
SMALL FRY : Unimportant people.
SNIPPET : A small piece from something spoken or written.
SOJOURN : A short stay at a place.
SPINSTER : An unmarried woman.
STALE : Something which is not fresh.
STAMPEDE : A sudden rush of a large number of frightened people or animals.
STELLAR : Of the stars.
STOCKBROKER : One who buys and sell shares for others.
STOIC : One who is indifferent to pain and pleasure.
STRATAGEM : A trick to deceive an enemy.
STRINGENT : Very strict.
SUBCUTANEOUS : Beneath the skin.
SUB JUDICE : A subject which cannot be publicly discussed because it is being considered by a court of law.
SUBSIDY : Money paid by a government to make prices lower.
SUBVERSIVE : Attempting to weaken or overthrow authority.
SUPERANNUATED : Too old for work.
SURREAL : Having a strange, dreamlike unreal quality.
TABLEAU : A lifelike representation of a famous scene by a group ofpeople who do not move or speak.
TAXIDERMY : The art of stuffing animals and setting them in life-like poses.
TECHNOCRAT : A specialist in technology.
TEETOTALER : One who abstains from all kinds of alcoholic drinks.
TERMINATE : Come or bring to an end.
THEIST : One who believes in the existence of God.
THEOCRACY : Government by priests.
TIMBER : Wood cut down for building etc.
TOPIARY : The art of trimming trees and bushes to decorative shapes.
TRAITOR : One who is disloyal to his country.
TYRANT : A ruler with complete power who rules cruelly.
UNISEX : Of one type, used by both males and females.
UNANIMOUS : A decision taken by the votes of all.
UPSTART : A person who has suddenly risen from low rank to wealth and importance.
UXORICIDE : The killing of one’s wife.
UXORIOUS : Greatly or excessively fond of one’s wife.
ACCOMPLICE : A partner in crime.
AESTHETE : A person with a highly developed sense of beauty.
AFFLUENT : Wealthy; having abundance of money.
AGORAPHOBIA : Unreasonable fear of open spaces.
ALLEVIATE : To lessen, make less severe.
ALTRUIST : One who does good work for others without thought of personal gain.
AMBIDEXTROUS : Able to use the left hand as well as the right.
AMBIGUOUS : A word or statement which can be interpreted intwo ways.
ANACHRONISM : That which appears to be in the wrong period.
ANGLOPHILE : An admirer of the English people, language, manners or way of life.
ANGLOPHOBE : One who dislikes the English and England.
ARMISTICE : An agreement to stop fighting in a war.
ARISTOCRACY : A government run by the rich and the elite people; a class of well-born people.
ARTISTE : Professional singer, dancer etc.
ATHEIST : A person who does not believe in the existence of God.
AUTOCRACY : A government where the power is concentrated in the hands of one person.
AUTOPSY : Medical examination of a dead body.
BANKRUPT : A person who cannot pay his debts.
BARBARIAN : An uncivilized person.
BARRICADE : Hastily erected barrier across a street.
BELLIGERENT : One who is engaged in fighting a battle or war.
BIBLIOGRAPHY : A list of writings on a subject.
BIBLIOPHILE : One who loves books.
BIOGRAPHY : The story of a person’s life.
BLASPHEMOUS : One who is irreverent towards God.
BREVITY : Briefness; shortness of time.
BREWERY : A place where beer is made.
BUREAUCRACY : A government run by civil servants.
CALLIGRAPHY : The art of beautiful hand writing.
CARDIOLOGIST : A doctor specializing in matters relating to the heart.
CATHOLICITY : Broad outlook, free from prejudice.
CELIBACY : The state of being unmarried.
CHARLATAN : One who deceives others by claiming to be an expert.
CIRCUMLOCUTION : A roundabout way of expression.
CLAUSTROPHOBIA : A morbid fear of confined spaces.
COAGULATE : Change from liquid into solid by chemical reaction.
COLLOQUIAL : Suitable for ordinary informal conversation.
COMBUSTIBLE : That which can catch fire and burn easily.
COMEDIAN : One who plays funny parts in plays or films.
COMMODITY : An article of trade or commerce.
COMPATRIOT : A person belonging to one’s own country.
COMPLEXION : The natural color and appear- acne of skin.
COMPULSORY : That which must be done.
CONDUCTOR : That which acts as a path for electricity, heat etc.
CONNOISSEUR : A person who is competent to pass critical judgement upon anything.
CONSCRIPT : A person who is compelled by law to serve in the armed forces.
CONSORTIUM : A combination of several businesses for a common purpose.
CONTAGIOUS : That which spreads easily, especially a disease.
CONTRETEMPS : An unlucky event, an unexpected set-back.
CONTROVERSIAL : That which causes debate or argument.
CONVENTION (2) : A formal assembly or conference of people of the same business to discuss practices.
CORRIGENDA : Something to be corrected in a printed book.
COUNTERFEIT : Copy something exactly in order to deceive.
COUP D’ÉTAT : Sudden overthrow of a government, especially by force.
CRUISE : A sea voyage for pleasure.
CYGNET : A young swan.
CYNIC : One who has little faith in human sincerity or honesty.
DEBACLE : A sudden complete failure.
DENOUEMENT : The last part of a play, book etc. where all the complications of the plot are solved.
DETERGENT : A cleaning agent, especially a synthetic substance.
DETERRENT : Something to discourage people from doing wrong.
DILETTANTE : An admirer of the fine arts.
DISARMAMENT : Reduction of weapons by governments.
DISINFORMATION : False information spread intentionally to spread propaganda.
DOMICILE : A place where one lives permanently.
DRAGNET : A system of connected actions and methods for catching criminals.
DRUDGERY : Hard, uninteresting work.
DUET : Song sung by two people together.
EBULLIENT : High-spirited, exuberant.
EFFEMINATE : A man who has the qualities of a woman.
ENCYCLOPAEDIA : A book giving information on all branches of knowledge.
ENTOMOLOGY : The scientific study of insects.
EPIC : A long narrative poem.
EPILOGUE : Concluding part of a literary work.
ERGONOMICS : The study of the efficiency of people in their working environment.
ERR : Make a mistake, do wrong.
ESTUARY : The wide mouth of a river.
EVOLUTION : Gradual development from simple life forms to complex ones.
EXCISE : Tax on goods produced and used in a country.
EXERTION : Making an effort; trying very hard to do something.
EXTEMPORE : A speech made without any previous thought or preparation.
EXTERMINATE : To put an end to something by killing.
EXTROVERT : A person who is active, lively and enjoys the company of others.
EXUBERANT : Lively, high-spirited.
FALLACY : A false idea or belief.
FARCE : A light-heated humorous play with silly action.
FASTIDIOUS : One who cannot be easily pleased.
FAVORITISM : The practice of giving favored treatment to certain people.
FEBRILE : Of or caused by fever.
FEMINIST : A supporter of the cause of women.
FIANCEE : A girl to whom a man is engaged to be married.
FISSION : Splitting of the nucleus of an atom.
FLOGGING : Severe beating with a whip.
FLUVIAL : Of, found in, or produced by rivers.
FOOLSCAP : A size of paper, also called ‘legal’ format.
FOREMAN : A skilled worker in charge of other workmen.
FOURTH ESTATE : Influential newspapers and journalists.
FRANCOPHONE : An admirer of the French people, language, manners or way of life.
FRANCOPHONE : One who dislikes the French and France.
FRATRICIDE : The murder of one’s brother.
FREIGHT : Goods carried by train, ship etc.
FUDDY-DUDDY : An elderly person who does not understand or approve of modern ideas.
FUMIGATE : To clear of disease, bacteria etc., by means of chemical smoke.
GARAGE : A building in which motorcars are parked.
GARRULOUS : One who talks too much about uninteresting things.
GASTRONOMY : The art and science of cooking and eating good food.
GENOCIDE : Elimination or killing of a whole race.
GERMANOPHILE : An admirer of the German people, language, manners or way of life.
GERMANOPHOBE : One who dislikes the Germans and Germany.
GERMICIDE : A medicine that kills germs.
GLACIER : A mass of ice moving very slowly down a mountain valley.
GLUT : A larger supply than necessary.
GRAFFITI : Rough drawing or writing on public walls.
GRAMINIVORE : An animal that eats grain.
GRATIS : Without payment, free of cost.
GUBERNATORIAL : Of a governor.
HALLUCINATION : Seeing something which is not actually present.
HAVEN : A place of calm and safety.
HEDONIST : One who lives for pleasure.
HERBIVORE : A plant-eating animal.
HISTRIONICS : Overreacting in a theatrical manner.
HOLOCAUST : Great destruction and the loss of many lives; the mass killing of Jews in World War II.
HOLSTER : A leather holder for a pistol.
HOMICIDE : The killing of one man by another man.
HOMONYM : A word which agrees with another in pronoun-cation and perhaps also inspelling but is different in meaning.
HONORARY : An office for which no salary is paid.
HOOLIGAN : A noisy rough person who causes trouble.
HORTICULTURE : The art of garden cultivation.
HUB : The central part of a wheel.
HYPERCRITICAL : Excessively critical.
HYPOCHONDRIAC : One who has exaggerated anxiety about his health.
HYPOCRITICAL : Pretense of virtue or goodness; saying one thing while thinking another.
HYPOTHESIS : Supposition made as basis for reasoning.
IDEALISM : Practice of forming and following ideals.
IDEOLOGY : Set of ideas at the basis of certain economic or political systems.
IDOLATRY : Worship of idols.
IGNORAMUS : A thoroughly ignorant person.
ILLEGAL : That which is contrary to law.
ILLEGIBLE : Handwriting which can not be read.
ILLITERATE : One who is unable to read or write.
IMMEMORIAL : Too old to be remembered, ancient beyond memory.
IMMINENT : About to happen.
IMMORTAL : That which never dies.
IMPASSABLE : That which cannot be passed through.
IMPLACABLE : Impossible to satisfy, change or make less angry.
IMPREGNABLE : That which cannot be attacked or taken by force.
INACCESSIBLE : That cannot be approached or reached.
INAUSPICIOUS : Not of good omen.
INCORPOREAL : Without a body.
INCREDIBLE : That cannot be believed.
INDEFATIGABLE : One who is incapable of being tired.
INDELIBLE : Incapable of being effaced or cancelled or obliterated.
INDIGENOUS : Belonging naturally to a place.
INDOPHILE : An admirer of the Indian people, its culture, manners or way of life.
INDOPHOBE : One who dislikes the Indians and India.
INEDIBLE : Something which cannot be eaten.
INEVITABLE : That which is bound to happen.
INEXPLICABLE : That which cannot be explained.
INFLAMMABLE : Capable of catching fire.
INFLATE : To fill with air or gas.
INGENIOUS : Very clever.
INIMITABLE : That which cannot be imitated.
INNATE : That which one is born with.
INNOCUOUS : That which is quite harmless.
INTANGIBLE : That cannot be mentally grasped.
INTELLIGENTSIA : The class of people who think independently.
INTOLERABLE : That which cannot be endured.
INTROSPECTION : Examination of one’s own mental processes.
INTUITION : Immediate apprehension by mind reasoning.
INVINCIBLE : That cannot be conquered or defeated.
INVULNERABLE : That which cannot be wounded.
IRREPARABLE : That which cannot be repaired.
IRREPROACHABLE : So good that no criticism canbe made.
JAYWALK : To cross streets on foot in a careless and dangerous way.
JOEY : A young kangaroo.
JUDICIOUS : Wise, sound in judgement.
KIMONO : A loose gown of silk as worn in Japan.
KNIGHTHOOD : The right to put ‘Sir’ in front of one’s name.
LACKEY : One who behaves like a servant by always obeying.
LAMINATE : To cover with thin sheets ofmetal or plastic.
LEGIBLE : Capable of being read clearly.
LEONINE : Of or like a lion.
LEXICOGRAPHER : One who compiles dictionaries.
LIBERTARIAN : One who believes that one should have freedom of expression.
LIMERICK : A humorous short poem with five lines.
LITERATI : People with knowledge of literature.
LOQUACIOUS : One who talks a lot.
LOWBROW : One who has no interest in literature, art etc.
LULLABY : A pleasant song sung to send children to sleep.
MACHETE : A knife with a broad heavy blade.
MAGNUM OPUS : A great work of art, particularly literary.
MALEDICTION : Evil, vicious speech.
MANUAL : A book giving information about how to work something.
MANUSCRIPT : Handwritten script of a book.
MARTINET : A strict disciplinarian.
MASCOT : Something chosen as a symbol to bring good luck.
MASOCHIST : One who enjoys pain or humiliation.
MEDIOCRE : One who is neither intelligent nor dull.
MEGALOMANIA : The belief that one is extremely important.
MELODIOUS : Sweet sounding.
MERCANTILE : Of trade and business.
METEOROLOGY : The scientific study of weather conditions.
METICULOUS : A person who is very careful about details.
MILITIA : Those trained as soldiers but not belonging to a regular army.
MISANTHROPE : One who hates mankind.
MISOGAMIST : One who hates marriage.
MISOGYNIST : One who hates women.
MONOMANIAC : One who keeps thinking of one particular thing only.
MONOTHEISM : The practice of worshiping only one god.
MULTINATIONAL : A company having branches in many countries.
MYCOLOGY : The scientific study of fungi.
NAUSEA : Strong feeling of wanting to vomit.
NAUTICAL : Of sailors, ships or sailing.
NEMESIS : Downfall that satisfies natural justice.
NEOLOGISM : A new word.
NEPOTISM : Undue favor shown by a person in power to his relatives.
NOTARY : A public official who makes written statements official.
NUMISMATIC : One who collects coins.
OBITUARY : Notice of a person’s death in a newspaper.
OBLIGATORY : That which is required to be done by law.
OBSOLETE : That which is out of use, or replaced by a newer model.
OMNIPOTENT : One who is all powerful.
OMNISCIENT : One who knows everything.
OMNIVOROUS : One who eats anything.
ONTOLOGY : Philosophy concerned with the nature of existence.
OPHTHALMOLOGIST : An eye-doctor.
OPTOMETRIST : A technician who measures your eyesight.
PACHYDERM : A thick-skinned animal, especially an elephant or rhinoceros.
PACIFIST : One who believes in the abolition of war.
PALEOGRAPHY : The study of ancient writing.
PALAEONTOLOGY : The study of fossils.
PANACEA : A remedy which can cure all diseases.
PARADOX : Contradictory statement.
PARASITE : One that lives on another.
PARIAH : One who is not accepted by society.
PATENT : Sole right to make and sell one’s own invention.
PAUNCH : A man’s fat stomach.
PEDANT : One who exhibits his book learning.
PENULTIMATE : Last but one.
PERQUISITE : Gain over and above one’s salary.
PETROLOGY : The scientific study of rocks.
PHILISTINE : Person of material outlook who is indifferent to culture.
PHILOLOGIST : One who is well versed in the science of languages.
PIGMENT : The natural coloring matter of plants and animals.
PLAINTIFF : One who bring a charge against someone in court.
PLATONIC : A very close, non-sexual friendship between two people.
PLEBEIAN : Of the lower social classes.
POLYANDRY : The practice of having more than one husband at the same time.
POLYGAMY : The practice of having more than one husband or wife at the same time.
POLYGLOT : One who speaks many languages.
POLYGRAPH : A lie-detector.
POSTHUMOUS : A child born after the death of its father.
POSTSCRIPT : A note added at the end of a letter, after the signature.
PRAGMATIST : One who uses common sense.
PRESCIENT : Able to foretell what will happen in the future.
PROFILE (1) : A side view of someone’s head.
PROPELLANT : An explosive for firing a bullet or a rocket.
PSEUDONYM : A pen-name assumed by a writer.
PULMONARY : Of or having an effect on the lungs.
QUIXOTIC : Trying to do the impossible, usually to help others, while putting oneself into danger.
RACONTEUR : One who is good at telling stories in an interesting way.
RAPPORT : A good relationship between two people.
RECEPTIVE : Capable of receiving new ideas.
RED TAPISM : Excessive use of official formalities which causes unnecessary delay.
REFLATION : A government policy of increasing the amount of money in circulation.
REINFORCE : Strengthen by additional men or material.
RENAISSANCE : A renewal of interest in art, literature etc.
REQUISITION : An official demand or request.
RETRIBUTION : A severe deserved punishment.
RINGLEADER : One who leads others to do wrong or make trouble.
RODENT : A small herbivore usually considered a pest..
RUSSOPHILE : An admirer of the Russian people, language, manners or way of life.
RUSSOPHOBE : One who dislikes the
Russians and Russia.
SABOTAGE : Wanton destruction especially of a factory, etc. b y dissatis- fied workers.
SACRILEGE : The violation or profaning of sacred things.
SANATORIUM : A place for invalids and convalescents.
SANCTIMONIOUS : Making a show of piety.
SCAFFOLD : A structure on which criminals used to be hanged.
SEPTIC : Person who doubts the truth of what he is told.
SCUBA : An instrument used for breathing when swimming under water.
SEDENTARY : Done while sitting down.
SEER : One who can see into the future.
SENSATIONALISM : The intentional producing of excitement or shock.
SEPTUAGENARIAN : One in his seventies.
SILHOUETTE : Black shadow-like picture on white background.
SIMULTANEOUSLY : Taking place or happening at the same time.
SINECURE : Any office with good salary but no work.
SINOPHILE : An admirer of the Chinese people, language, manners or way of life.
SINOPHOBE : One who dislikes the Chinese and China.
SMALL FRY : Unimportant people.
SNIPPET : A small piece from something spoken or written.
SOJOURN : A short stay at a place.
SPINSTER : An unmarried woman.
STALE : Something which is not fresh.
STAMPEDE : A sudden rush of a large number of frightened people or animals.
STELLAR : Of the stars.
STOCKBROKER : One who buys and sell shares for others.
STOIC : One who is indifferent to pain and pleasure.
STRATAGEM : A trick to deceive an enemy.
STRINGENT : Very strict.
SUBCUTANEOUS : Beneath the skin.
SUB JUDICE : A subject which cannot be publicly discussed because it is being considered by a court of law.
SUBSIDY : Money paid by a government to make prices lower.
SUBVERSIVE : Attempting to weaken or overthrow authority.
SUPERANNUATED : Too old for work.
SURREAL : Having a strange, dreamlike unreal quality.
TABLEAU : A lifelike representation of a famous scene by a group ofpeople who do not move or speak.
TAXIDERMY : The art of stuffing animals and setting them in life-like poses.
TECHNOCRAT : A specialist in technology.
TEETOTALER : One who abstains from all kinds of alcoholic drinks.
TERMINATE : Come or bring to an end.
THEIST : One who believes in the existence of God.
THEOCRACY : Government by priests.
TIMBER : Wood cut down for building etc.
TOPIARY : The art of trimming trees and bushes to decorative shapes.
TRAITOR : One who is disloyal to his country.
TYRANT : A ruler with complete power who rules cruelly.
UNISEX : Of one type, used by both males and females.
UNANIMOUS : A decision taken by the votes of all.
UPSTART : A person who has suddenly risen from low rank to wealth and importance.
UXORICIDE : The killing of one’s wife.
UXORIOUS : Greatly or excessively fond of one’s wife.
CREDULOUS : Ready to believe without sufficient evidence
ARISTOCRACY : Government by the nobility
PLUTOCRACY : Government by the wealthy people
DEMAGOGUE : A person who can sway his followers by his oratory
DESPERADO : One ready to do any reckless or criminal act
EDIBLE : Fit for food
EPICURIAN : One who devoted to the pleasures of eating and drinking
ELECTROCUTE : Killing by means of an electric current
ENDEMIC : A disease confined to a particular district or place
EXTROVERT : One whose interest are directed outward
EPHEMERAL : Existing only for a day.
EMBALM : To preserve a dead body from decaying
EPITOME : A brief summary of a book
ENIGMA : A person, thing or circumstance that is puzzling
EMBARGO : An order prohibiting ships to leave the port
ENTOMOLOGY : The study of insects
FIANCEE : One engaged to be married
FARRIES : One who shoes horses
FUGITIVE : One who runs away from justice or the law
FANATIC : a person filled with excessive enthusiasm, especially in religion
GEOLOGIST : One who studies about rocks and soils
GARRISON : Military force stationed in a fortress
HOMICIDE : The act of killing a human being
HAWKER : One who travels from place to place selling miscellaneous articles
HEDONIST : One who believes that pleasure is the highest tool.
HORTICULTURE : The art of cultivating and managing gardens
HYPERBOLE : Exaggerated statement made for the sake of effect
HOSTAGE : Person given to an enemy as a pledge
INVALID : A person who is sick
INCENDIARY : One who maliciously sets fire to building
INSOLVENT : One who cannot pay one’s debts
IGNORAMUS : An ignorant person
IMMIGRANT : One who comes into a foreign country to settle there
INVINCIBLE : That which cannot be conquer
INCOMBUSTIBLE : Incapable of being burnt
INVISIBLE : That which cannot be seen
IMMORTAL : Living for ever
INIMITABLE : That which cannot be imitated
INDEFATIGABLE : Persons that cannot be wearied
INTERNECINE : Causing destruction to both sides
INTERPOLATE : make (spurious & misleading) additions to a book
JUXTAPOSE : To place side by side
LETHAL : causing death
LACONIC : Expressing in a few words
LAUNDRY : A place where clothes are washed and ironed
LIMNOLOGY : The study of lakes and other fresh water bodies
MANIFESTO : A declaration of plans and promises put forward by a political party
MIGRATE : To move from one country to another
METEOROLOGIST : One who studies the elements of weather.
MISANTHROPE : One who hates mankind
METALLURGY : The science dealing with the production of metals
MONOLOGUE : A long speech by one person
MOBILIZE : To collect together for service in war
MAUSOLEUM : A magnificent tomb
MACHIAVELLIAN : Unscrupulous in gaining what is wanted
MEMENTO : Something kept or given as a reminder
MIVIPAROUS : Producing young that are fully developed .
MEGALOMANIAC : A person with a false impression that he is great and powerful.
NUMISMATICS : The study of coins
NICHE : A hollow place in wall
NEOLOGISM : A new word coined by an author
NEPOTISM : Special favor shown by a person in high position to his relatives.
ORCHARD : A place where fruit trees are grown
OPTIMIST : One who looks on the bright side of things.
OMNISCIENT : One who knows everything
OMNIPRESENT : One who is present everywhere
OCULIST : One who attends to the diseases of the eye
ORNITHOLOGY : The study of birds
OBITUARY : An account, in the newspaper, of the funeral of one deceased
OSTLER : One who attends to horses at an inn
OPTICIAN : One who makes or sells eye-glasses
OOLOGY : The study of eggs
OCCIDENTAL : Belonging to the west
OSTRACIZE : Expel from society
POSTHUMOUS : Occurring after death
PLAGIARISM : Literary theft, or passing off an author’s original work as one’s own.
PYROTECHNICS : The art of making fireworks
PARASITE : A plant or animal growing on another
PANACEA : A cure for all diseases
PHILATELIST : One who collects postage stamps
PHILANTHROPIST : One who devotes his service or wealth for the love of mankind.
PEDANT : One who makes a display of his learning
PEDLAR : One who goes from house to house selling small articles.
PEDIATRICIAN : Doctors who treat children’s diseases
PALEOGRAPHY : The study of ancient modes of writing
PHONETICS : The science of speech, sounds and their production
PYROTECHNICS : The art of making fireworks
PROTAGONIST : Chief person in a drama, story etc.
PSEUDONYM : A fictitious name used by an author
QUACK : One who dishonestly claims to have knowledge and skill, esp. in medicine.
QUARANTINE : Confinement to one place to prevent spread of infection.
RUMINANT : A cud-chewing animal
REFUGEE : One who takes refuge in a foreign country.
REINSTATE : Put back in a former station or condition.
RACONTEUR : One who tells anecdotes or stories
SOMNAMBULIST : One who walk in his sleep
SPENDTHRIFT : One who spends too much
SCULPTOR : One who carves in stone, metal, wood, etc.
SURGEON : One who treats diseases by operations
SANATORIUM : A hospital esp, for tuberculosis patients and convalescents.
SYMPOSIUM : Collection of views of several persons on a topic
SYNONYM : A word with the same meaning as another
SABOTAGE : Wanton destruction of a plant by workmen
SIMULTANEOUS : happening or done at the same time
SUPERFLUOUS : More than is needed
TEETOTALLER : One who doesn’t consume alcoholic drinks
TRAITOR : One who betrays his friends, ruler, country, etc.
TAXIDERMY : The art of preparing, stuffing and mounting the skins of animals, birds and fish.
TOPOGRAPHY : The art of representing the physical features of a place on a map.
THESAURUS : Lexicon, esp, a collection of words
TABOO : An act which religion or custom regards as forbidden.
TRANSMIGRATION : Belief that the soul passes at death into another body.
UTOPIAN : Ideally perfect but impracticable
UNDERTAKER : A tradesman who manages funerals
UPHOLSTERER : One who makes or deals in carpets, curtains, beds, cushioned seats, etc.
USURER : One who lends money at an excessive rate of interest
UPSTART : One who has suddenly risen to wealth and importance
ULTIMATUM : final proposal of terms given by one party to another
UNANIMOUS : Of the same opinion
VETERINARIAN : One skilled in the treatment of diseases of animals
VAGABOND : One who wanders without settled home
VALETUDINARIAN : One who is overanxious about one’s health
VOLUNTEER : One who takes part in an enterprise of his own free will
VERBATIM : Word for word
VERSATILE : Of many sided ability
VICARIOUS : Done for another
WARREN : A place for breeding or preserving rabbits
WINNOW : To separate the husks from the grain
WANTON : Recklessly inconsiderate
WIDOWER : A man whose wife is dead
XENOMANIAC : A person having an excessive attachment to foreign living
ARISTOCRACY : Government by the nobility
PLUTOCRACY : Government by the wealthy people
DEMAGOGUE : A person who can sway his followers by his oratory
DESPERADO : One ready to do any reckless or criminal act
EDIBLE : Fit for food
EPICURIAN : One who devoted to the pleasures of eating and drinking
ELECTROCUTE : Killing by means of an electric current
ENDEMIC : A disease confined to a particular district or place
EXTROVERT : One whose interest are directed outward
EPHEMERAL : Existing only for a day.
EMBALM : To preserve a dead body from decaying
EPITOME : A brief summary of a book
ENIGMA : A person, thing or circumstance that is puzzling
EMBARGO : An order prohibiting ships to leave the port
ENTOMOLOGY : The study of insects
FIANCEE : One engaged to be married
FARRIES : One who shoes horses
FUGITIVE : One who runs away from justice or the law
FANATIC : a person filled with excessive enthusiasm, especially in religion
GEOLOGIST : One who studies about rocks and soils
GARRISON : Military force stationed in a fortress
HOMICIDE : The act of killing a human being
HAWKER : One who travels from place to place selling miscellaneous articles
HEDONIST : One who believes that pleasure is the highest tool.
HORTICULTURE : The art of cultivating and managing gardens
HYPERBOLE : Exaggerated statement made for the sake of effect
HOSTAGE : Person given to an enemy as a pledge
INVALID : A person who is sick
INCENDIARY : One who maliciously sets fire to building
INSOLVENT : One who cannot pay one’s debts
IGNORAMUS : An ignorant person
IMMIGRANT : One who comes into a foreign country to settle there
INVINCIBLE : That which cannot be conquer
INCOMBUSTIBLE : Incapable of being burnt
INVISIBLE : That which cannot be seen
IMMORTAL : Living for ever
INIMITABLE : That which cannot be imitated
INDEFATIGABLE : Persons that cannot be wearied
INTERNECINE : Causing destruction to both sides
INTERPOLATE : make (spurious & misleading) additions to a book
JUXTAPOSE : To place side by side
LETHAL : causing death
LACONIC : Expressing in a few words
LAUNDRY : A place where clothes are washed and ironed
LIMNOLOGY : The study of lakes and other fresh water bodies
MANIFESTO : A declaration of plans and promises put forward by a political party
MIGRATE : To move from one country to another
METEOROLOGIST : One who studies the elements of weather.
MISANTHROPE : One who hates mankind
METALLURGY : The science dealing with the production of metals
MONOLOGUE : A long speech by one person
MOBILIZE : To collect together for service in war
MAUSOLEUM : A magnificent tomb
MACHIAVELLIAN : Unscrupulous in gaining what is wanted
MEMENTO : Something kept or given as a reminder
MIVIPAROUS : Producing young that are fully developed .
MEGALOMANIAC : A person with a false impression that he is great and powerful.
NUMISMATICS : The study of coins
NICHE : A hollow place in wall
NEOLOGISM : A new word coined by an author
NEPOTISM : Special favor shown by a person in high position to his relatives.
ORCHARD : A place where fruit trees are grown
OPTIMIST : One who looks on the bright side of things.
OMNISCIENT : One who knows everything
OMNIPRESENT : One who is present everywhere
OCULIST : One who attends to the diseases of the eye
ORNITHOLOGY : The study of birds
OBITUARY : An account, in the newspaper, of the funeral of one deceased
OSTLER : One who attends to horses at an inn
OPTICIAN : One who makes or sells eye-glasses
OOLOGY : The study of eggs
OCCIDENTAL : Belonging to the west
OSTRACIZE : Expel from society
POSTHUMOUS : Occurring after death
PLAGIARISM : Literary theft, or passing off an author’s original work as one’s own.
PYROTECHNICS : The art of making fireworks
PARASITE : A plant or animal growing on another
PANACEA : A cure for all diseases
PHILATELIST : One who collects postage stamps
PHILANTHROPIST : One who devotes his service or wealth for the love of mankind.
PEDANT : One who makes a display of his learning
PEDLAR : One who goes from house to house selling small articles.
PEDIATRICIAN : Doctors who treat children’s diseases
PALEOGRAPHY : The study of ancient modes of writing
PHONETICS : The science of speech, sounds and their production
PYROTECHNICS : The art of making fireworks
PROTAGONIST : Chief person in a drama, story etc.
PSEUDONYM : A fictitious name used by an author
QUACK : One who dishonestly claims to have knowledge and skill, esp. in medicine.
QUARANTINE : Confinement to one place to prevent spread of infection.
RUMINANT : A cud-chewing animal
REFUGEE : One who takes refuge in a foreign country.
REINSTATE : Put back in a former station or condition.
RACONTEUR : One who tells anecdotes or stories
SOMNAMBULIST : One who walk in his sleep
SPENDTHRIFT : One who spends too much
SCULPTOR : One who carves in stone, metal, wood, etc.
SURGEON : One who treats diseases by operations
SANATORIUM : A hospital esp, for tuberculosis patients and convalescents.
SYMPOSIUM : Collection of views of several persons on a topic
SYNONYM : A word with the same meaning as another
SABOTAGE : Wanton destruction of a plant by workmen
SIMULTANEOUS : happening or done at the same time
SUPERFLUOUS : More than is needed
TEETOTALLER : One who doesn’t consume alcoholic drinks
TRAITOR : One who betrays his friends, ruler, country, etc.
TAXIDERMY : The art of preparing, stuffing and mounting the skins of animals, birds and fish.
TOPOGRAPHY : The art of representing the physical features of a place on a map.
THESAURUS : Lexicon, esp, a collection of words
TABOO : An act which religion or custom regards as forbidden.
TRANSMIGRATION : Belief that the soul passes at death into another body.
UTOPIAN : Ideally perfect but impracticable
UNDERTAKER : A tradesman who manages funerals
UPHOLSTERER : One who makes or deals in carpets, curtains, beds, cushioned seats, etc.
USURER : One who lends money at an excessive rate of interest
UPSTART : One who has suddenly risen to wealth and importance
ULTIMATUM : final proposal of terms given by one party to another
UNANIMOUS : Of the same opinion
VETERINARIAN : One skilled in the treatment of diseases of animals
VAGABOND : One who wanders without settled home
VALETUDINARIAN : One who is overanxious about one’s health
VOLUNTEER : One who takes part in an enterprise of his own free will
VERBATIM : Word for word
VERSATILE : Of many sided ability
VICARIOUS : Done for another
WARREN : A place for breeding or preserving rabbits
WINNOW : To separate the husks from the grain
WANTON : Recklessly inconsiderate
WIDOWER : A man whose wife is dead
XENOMANIAC : A person having an excessive attachment to foreign living
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